Final Days in Salamanca

This website/blog is a challenge to maintain. It’s a (basically) free WordPress website and it doesn’t really like me and all the photos I want to upload. It seems much easier to display my photos as part of a blog post than in the Photo Galleries.

See below the last photos in Salamanca, Spain. The movie set and much else got washed out in the heavy rain that later caused a lot of trouble for Scotland.

I took a late-evening walk around the Barrio del Oeste – West Neighborhood – which has a LOT of murals. I only show you here the ones I thought were best, but I saw perhaps double this amount. In the age of Instagram, turning your neighborhood into a haven for murals is a smart way to generate traffic IRL.

Not sure if I wrote yet about the final cultural event we had with Professora Ana as the lead guide. The weather was awful and I couldn’t hear her well. It was supposed to be a literature tour, but all I could figure out was that there was a local Romeo and Juliette story, that Shakespeare may or may not have copied. Teacher Javiar also mentioned a feuding family story. Remember all of these tours were conducted in Spanish at full speed, having to overcome street noise, other tour groups, and weather.