CDMX Day 3, June 2024

Christian the tour guide and I can only speak Spanish together so we have some difficulties understanding each other. I spent the whole day with him and between my Spanish and Google Translate, we did okay.

Since the tickets for the Museo de Frida Kahlo were sold out we went to Xochimilco, a part of Mexico City quite far away but has canals filled with colorful boats hosting families celebrating anniversaries and birthdays. It was a total party with mobile drinks, elote, and gift sellers plus mariachi bands who hopped from boat to boat to entertain everyone nearby.

We drove back to Polanco and saw a gleaming mall and then the fabulous collection of art at the Museo Soumayo, all owned by one of the richest men in the world, Carlos Slim. It was breathtaking to think that he owns all this art, let alone airlines, petroleum companies, and practically every other kind of business you can think of. He got his start with TelMex, the national phone company in Mexico. The art is housed in a fabulous stainless steel building with curvy, sloping sides.